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What Is a Fibroma?

A fibroma is a benign tumour that grows under the surface of the skin. It is made up of connective tissue and looks like a little pink or brown bump. Fibromas can appear anywhere on the body, though they are most common on the face, arms, legs and lower back. They can grow bigger over time, especially if irritated, so you should avoid touching and picking the bump much as possible. Importantly, a fibroma is non-cancerous and therefore does not pose a threat to one’s health, though it can be unsightly and may be itchy or tender.


What Ca​​uses A Fibroma To Appear?

A fibroma is a (non-cancerous) lump, which means that it is an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells, which does not serve a purpose. The cause of this uncontrolled growth is often unclear and differs from person to person. Some people are genetically predisposed, though the growth of a tumour can also be triggered by lifestyle factors, such as diet, stress, or local infection. It is also thought that hormonal factors may cause a fibroma to appear.

Fibroma Removal Treatment


Surgical Excision

The best treatment for fibroma removal is surgical excision. Before the procedure, a medical skin specialist will examine your fibroma to confirm the diagnosis and determine the best treatment strategy.

A single, small fibroma will only require one appointment, whilst multiple, large fibromas may require several. A local anaesthetic will be used to reduce discomfort before the lump is cut out and removed. The wound is then stitched closed. The stitches will be removed after 10-14 days have passed. This will leave a linear scar, which will disappear over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fibromas most commonly appear on the face, arms, legs and lower back, though they can emerge on any area of the body.

Fibromas can be caused by our genes, though lifestyle factors—such as diet or stress—can make them more likely to appear.

No, a fibroma is not a cyst, though they can look similar. A cyst is a lump on the skin which is filled with pus. They are white or yellow, and if you squeeze them, you can sometimes push out the interior liquid. A fibroma is not filled with pus. Instead, it is a tumour, which means that it is made up of lots of skin cells that grow uncontrollably. If you have a lump on your skin of any kind, you should arrange an appointment with your doctor so that it can be examined. 

Fibromas are benign tumours, which means that they are non-cancerous. This means that the tumour cannot spread to other parts of the body or invade nearby tissue as cancer does. Nevertheless, if you think that you have a fibroma, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor so that it can be examined.

You should seek medical attention if the bump on your skin changes in size, bleeds, becomes painful, or if other lumps appear around it. 

A fibroma is a non-cancerous tumour. However, it is necessary to have the tumour examined after the fibroma removal treatment. This is known as a biopsy, which is when a piece of skin is sent away to a laboratory to be examined. In the laboratory, the fibroma will be assessed to eliminate the risk of cancer. 

No, you must never attempt to remove a lump on your skin at home. This is because it can cause damage to your skin and may lead to infection. Moreover, if you remove your lump at home, you cannot have it examined by a doctor during a biopsy. This is extremely important, as, during the biopsy, the lump will be assessed for signs of cancer. 

A fibroma on the skin is usually examined by sight. A doctor will typically pinch the growth and may use a dermatoscope to inspect it. A biopsy may also be performed to ensure that the lump is a fibroma.  

A suitable candidate for a fibroma removal treatment is someone who is healthy and who would like to remove the fibroma for cosmetic reasons or because it is irritating.  

Surgical excision of fibroma is an exceptionally safe and very routine procedure, and side effects are very uncommon. In rare cases, there can be swelling or numbness at the treatment site, though this will disappear in time. 

No aftercare is required, so patients can return to their normal activities following the fibroma removal treatment. 

No, a fibroma will not go away on its own. A qualified medical professional must remove the fibroma for it to disappear. 

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