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Everything You Need To Know About Hair Transplants

Everything You Need To Know About Hair Transplants


Hair loss issues can affect the way you see yourself in many ways. Since hair is associated with youthfulness, beauty, and vitality, it’s only natural for hair loss to produce feelings of self-consciousness in people.

Over 70% of the population consider hair to be one of the more important features of the overall image. Hence, hair loss treatments—both surgical and non-surgical—have gained major popularity. One of the surgical options is a hair transplant.

The two types of hair transplant are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE).

Pre-Hair Transplant FAQs

Pre-Hair Transplant FAQs

Before undergoing this procedure, you may have many questions, some of which we will answer below. Although consultation with a doctor is advised, here are a few things to keep in mind before deciding to take this step.

Do I need a hair transplant?

Whether you do or don’t need a hair transplant depends on the stage of hair loss you’re at. You should always consult with a doctor before making this decision, as they will be able to determine whether you need a hair transplant or if you can opt for a non-surgical hair restoration treatment.

How long do hair transplants last?

In other words, is a hair transplant permanent?

To put it briefly, yes, a hair transplant is permanent.  You won’t be able to test the transplant on a small area of your head and see if you like it. Once the transplant is done, there is no going back from it. Transplanted hair does not fall out with time. Although the transplanted hair will remain, hair loss in other areas is still possible. However, you will be able to have further hair transplants for hair that has been lost after the initial procedure.

How long for a hair transplant to grow?

Transplanted hair begins to grow four months after the transplant. However, it takes around an eight-month period for about 80% of the transplanted hair to start growing. It’s important to know that the hair on the crown of your head may take longer than that to grow, so it’s best to stay patient and follow your doctor’s advice.

Are hair transplants painful?

During a hair transplant, the doctor will use a local anesthetic to numb the area and sometimes use additional sedation. This is designed to minimize pain and ensure maximum comfort. Most people find the procedure quite comfortable and some even sleep through parts of it.

You may experience mild discomfort in your recovery days, but the pain continues to minimize day by day and is easily managed with simple analgesics.

Hair Transplant Procedure Steps

Depending on whether you opt for a FUT or FUE hair transplant, some of the procedure steps may vary. Nevertheless, the first step will be a pre-op assessment from your doctor after which your doctor will start preparing the part of your scalp where the surgery will take place.

After marking and preparing the donor area, you will have local anesthesia, followed by follicular extraction, and after the lunch break the incision and implantation phase. After the surgery is complete, your doctor will give you advice and a post-surgery medication pack.


Post-Transplant Care and Recovery

After a hair transplant, you will be able to go back to your normal life within a week. However, there are some precautions you should take, such as avoiding exercise for 2 weeks.

Your post-op pack will include detailed instructions on how to care for your transplanted hair and ensure maximum growth. For instance, minimise exposure to heat and sun. . You’re not advised to wear hats or pullover shirts until your doctor states otherwise. Also, be patient with your hair, as it will not look completely as you want it to until a few months have passed.

How long does it take to recover from a hair transplant?

You will be able to return home after the surgery is done and your surgeon has explained your post-op care. However, you may feel some pain or soreness on the part of the scalp where the transplant was done. For this, your doctor will prescribe pain medication, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories to ease the process.

You will likely be able to return to your routine in around three to five days.

Getting a hair transplant is a big deal to people who decide to do it, and there are likely many questions you have regarding it; how long the procedure takes, how painful it is, and how long the effect will last are all things that you would want to know before undergoing a surgical procedure. There are many things to take into account and consider before opting for this hair restoration treatment. We hope this helped you understand if you want and/or need a hair transplant.

Come visit us if you want a full head of hair. The first consultation is on us at Aventus Clinic!

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